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Since January 1, 2020, the project leader must provide, in addition to his CDAC file, an impact analysis of the project.

This is defined in III and IV of article L752-6 of the French Commercial Code:

“III. The commission shall make its decision in the light of an impact assessment of the project, produced by the applicant in support of its application for authorization. Conducted by an independent body authorized by the representative of the State in the department, this analysis evaluates the effects of the project on the animation and economic development of the downtown area of the municipality in which it is located, the neighboring municipalities and the public establishment of inter-municipal cooperation with its own tax system, of which the municipality in which it is located is a member, as well as on employment, based in particular on demographic trends, the commercial vacancy rate and the supply of commercial square meters already existing in the relevant catchment area, taking into account daily and, where appropriate, seasonal commuting between territories. ”


→ Information on the catchment area and the environment close to the project;

→ Presentation of the project’s contribution to the animation of the main existing sectors, particularly in terms of the complementarity of urban functions and territorial balance; in particular, contribution, including in terms of employment, to the animation, preservation or revitalization of the commercial fabric of the city centers of the municipality where the project is located and of the neighboring municipalities included in the catchment area defined for the project, with mention, where appropriate, of subsidies, measures and schemes of all kinds set up on the territories of these municipalities in favor of economic development;

→ Presentation of the effects of the project in terms of consumer protection, particularly in terms of variety, diversification and complementarity of the offer proposed by the project with the existing offer.


  • Site visits and inventory of existing businesses
  • Socio-demographic, economic and commercial databases;
  • Production of maps from the Geoconcept software,

A few references :

  • Nexity, Le village des Docks, Saint-Ouen
  • Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, Centre commercial Rosny 2
  • Bouygues Immobilier, Coeur Université, Nanterre