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“L’URBANISME COMMERCIAL” – Le Moniteur’s edition

Le Moniteur’s editions will publish “L’urbanisme commercial”, co-written by Bertrand Boullé, founder and President of Mall & Market, lecturer at La Sorbonne University and Vice-President of the French National Council of Shopping Centers, and by Damien Grosse and Vincent Guinot, both of them lawyers and partners at Lacourte Raquin Tatar.

Following the reforms which occurred in 2014 and 2015 in the retail real estate field, this book brings a clarified vision about the new processes from those regulations. The book is now available and contains in its appendices an “ideal” commercial license application folder.

This book is dedicated to investors, developers, brands, local and public authorities and real estate professionals.

To order it online:


The Sciences Po’s Library: http://www.librairie-sciencespo.fr/droit-public/environnement-et-urbanisme/livre/urbanisme-commercial-en-pratique—champ-d-application–autorisations–modifications–commissions-d-amenegement-commercial/bertrand-boulle–damien–grosse–vincent–guinot/9782281131048.html

FNAC: http://livre.fnac.com/a7945581/Bertrand-Boulle-Urbanisme-commercial-en-pratique

Amazon: http://www.amazon.fr/Lurbanisme-commercial-Planification-Commissions-dam%C3%A9nagement/dp/2281131041/ref=pd_zg_rss_ts_b_754462_4